Household Hero Pest Control

Your Neighborhood Bug Busters!

Rhode Island Pest Control Household Hero999

At the Household Hero LLC we offer family friendly, pest control options that are free of any harsh chemicals. This means our products are safe for kids, pets and plants! We like to target pests from the source to prevent them from getting inside your house in the first place. And have plans to set up your yard for success. No two houses or yards are the same and we strive ourselves on tailoring each plan to fit the specific needs of each home!

Rhode Island Joro Spider HouseholdHero999

We help keep the food away so you don’t get any nasty Joro Spiders that want to stay in your yard!

Joro Spiders are a new invasive species, originating from Japan and our moving up north from their first arrival in Georgia. Their leg span can reach up to 3-4 inches making it one of the largest spiders in Rhode Island. Get your yard treated today so there won’t be any reason for these guys to want to stay!

Request A Quote

Request a quote today to get your home protected from the many pests, like mosquitos, fleas, and ticks that roam Rhode Island.

We use a proprietary plant based pest spray that is safe for plants, pets, and people!

Rhode Island Pest Control Household Hero 999

Pest Control

Based out of North Smithfield, Rhode Island we are no strangers to pests and that is why we use our own products on our house, if we trust it for our own family you then you know it is safe for yours too!

To learn more about the services we provide and how they will benefit your home, head over to our services page or click the button below.

Contact Us


Call Us:
(401) 999-2715